Good Life Journal – Psalm 132


Psalm 132:7

Let us go to his dwelling place; 

let us worship at his footstool!



The psalmist is declaring the chosen people and land of God and also the response that should take place of the people. He shows his distress but also his response. 


I think of one word when I read this today, Humility. Let us go to his dwelling place is something that we have a problem doing now days. We are too busy, we don’t want to, we have better things to do rather than to meet with God with his people. There is also pride this hides and shows itself in our hearts, yet we must realize that we are called to lower ourselves and worship the Lord at his feet. We are to take on his Spirit and walk in his ways. This is hard and we need prayer. 


Father, help me to walk in your ways. Help me to value going to your dwelling place and show me how to humble myself. Put people in my life to model it for me and may I always go to Jesus and examine his life and replicate it. Thank you for your grace and mercy. 


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