Good Life Journal – Mark 4

Scripture – 

Mark 4:21-23 – And he said to them, “Is a lamp brought in to be put under a basket, or under a bed, and not on a stand?  For nothing is hidden not to be made manifest ; nor is anything secret except to come to light. If anyone has ears to hear, let him hear.”

Observation – 

Jesus is talking with the disciples after he has explained the purpose of parables.  A lamp with shining light is not meant to be kept where it can not shine it’s light.  Jesus is the light and the Gospel must not to kept under a bed.  There is a day of judgement forthcoming where everything done in darkness will be brought to light.  The truth will be made known of everything.  Listen now, hear the words of Jesus and repent while you can.

Application –

Jesus is the light of the world and whoever follows Jesus does not walk in darkness.  We are commanded in the Great Commission to go and make disciples of all the nations baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.  We are to carry the Gospel out in the open where it will shine bright to all.  We have the Greatest News in the world that can change minds, hearts and set captives free. Therefore, it is not to be hidden as something you get then store away under a bed.  There is nothing that can be hidden from God and all will be revealed in the coming day of judgement.  I would only be fooling myself if I think I can hide something from our all knowing God.  Let me repentant to confess all my sin to God and have a real sense of urgency to share the gospel of Jesus Christ with those in darkness.

Prayer –

Thank you for sending Jesus as light to overcome darkness and redeem me to you.  Let the Spirit give me power to let your light shine bright through me to love you and love my neighbors well to extend your glory.