Good Life Journal – Mark 5

Journal Mark 5 (all references are from the ESV; changes in punctuation are mine)


Scripture: “While [Jesus] was still speaking, there came from the ruler’s house some who said [to Jarius], “Your daughter is dead. Why trouble the Teacher any further?”

But, overhearing what they said, Jesus said to the ruler of the synagogue [Jarius], ‘Do not fear, only believe.’

And [Jesus] allowed no one to follow him except Peter and James and John (the brother of James).” Mark 5:35-37

Observation: How many teaching moments/points are there in this short passage? Do these passages (and the other related one in Luke) inspire a spectator’s marvel or a disciple’s faith to copy?

Application: When does what Jesus does communicate to the disciples: “Folks, don’t try this at home; I am a trained professional…”

Earlier, Jesus:

  • Commanded the winds to cease and the seas to be still.
  • Tossed out a legion of demonic spirits out of a man.
  • Inadvertently healed a woman’s menstrual issue.
  • And now, raising a gentile’s daughter from the dead.

Answer? He doesn’t. In fact, Jesus, as a part of the disciples training, sends them out on short term mission trips and tells them:

  • Preach the coming Kingdom, and;
  • Heal the sick, toss out demons.

“And he called the twelve and began to send them out two by two (6 teams of a pair each…I wonder why?) and gave them authority over the unclean spirits…So they went out and proclaimed that people should repent. And they cast out many demons and anointed with oil many who were sick and healed them.” (Mark 6:7-13)

Is it because of my “unbelief” that I don’t do the same?

Is it because of my “unbelief” that I don’t want to do the same?

Is it because of my “unbelief” that I am not motivated to step out in faith wherever I am to do the above?


I am trying.

First, I am focused on embedding the Doctrine of the Gospel in my life. I want to have a ready answer for those who ask—knowing that the answer I might give isn’t what someone wants to hear. Someone asked me last night in a conversation about my past divorce if I had regrets? I answered, “Sure I do…because as a husband, no matter what, I have responsibilities to answer for before the Throne of Judgment.”

At this point in the conversation, I continued that, while Wrath is my (and all men’s) deserved judgment, it is why Man must have a Savior, a Redeemer.

I did not go any further to “close the deal” because that is as far as I sensed the Holy Spirit wanting me to go at that moment. But note: It is the Gospel, just as the disciples were sent to call all men to repent is the Gospel as well.

Secondly, I am turning out of my comfort zone to: 1) Speak whatever part of the Gospel I need to others, and; 2) Gather up the courage to ask if I can pray right there, right then, for someone’s healing by laying hands (gasp!!) in public.

It is going to be a challenging 2023!


Prayer: In Your name, for Your Glory, bring courage in this coward’s heart, O God, for I believe and have confidence this is your will for your people.


Ricky Two Shoes