Good Life Journal – Mark 7

Journal Mark 7 (all references are from the ESV; changes in punctuation are mine)


Scripture: “And [Jesus] said to them, “Well did Isaiah prophesy of you hypocrites, as it is written,

‘This people honors me with their lips, but their heart is far from me; in vain do they worship me, teaching as doctrines the commandments of men.’

(Jesus continues speaking to the Pharisees and scribes) ‘You leave the commandment of God and hold to the tradition of men…’” Mark 7:6-8


Observation: Is this a ready explanation on how Man, being full of the sin of Genesis 3:5, rewrites or twists the Word of God to make it “better?”


Application: Paul writes to the Corinthian church to “Examine yourself. See if you are in the faith…” (2 Cor 13:5) and I must do the same reading this.


How easy it would be for me to twist the plainly written Word of God and read a principle in it that really isn’t there—just to make what I am reading more comfortable—similar to what the serpent did at Eden to Adam and Eve.


The beginning of the chapter the Scribes and Pharisees in attendance scandalized that Jesus’ disciples (Jesus being a holy man and rabbi after all) didn’t ritualize washing their delicate hands before eating. Scandalized!! Horrified!! Appalled and disgusted! And did they try to infer that Jesus’ teaching and leading was somehow “less than” because of it—“it” being washing hands according to the Tradition?


I would have one of two responses (maybe both at the same time):

  1. Immediately bow to the social and custom pressure of conformity.
  2. Or be disdainful/contemptuous of the current hierarchy of authority.

The first response perhaps would contain a strong dose of “Fear of Man.” The second response would probably be full blown rebellion.


Neither would be godly.


Laying my heart out on the pages of the journal assists me in my wanting to walk worthy of the Gospel. I can (with the profound help of the Spirit) break down my sinful reflection in the mirror, identify specific issues, and begin to create strategies to overcome sin.


Can that be done? Is it possible? I must believe it can, for it is written:

“For if you live according to the flesh you will die. But, if by the Spirit you PUT TO DEATH (mortify) the deeds of the body, you will live.” Ro 8:13


Therefore, looking in the Mirror, what do I hold, either loosely or with conviction, principles and/or doctrines of men that have ZERO affinity with the Word of God? What do I not “believe” that the scriptures indicate (without a doubt) are relevant today—or certainly should not be discounted because of a conceived notion that “Jesus did that then, he doesn’t do that now.”


How about reading what the Bible says and leave interpretation aside? Can I do that? Read and analyze, don’t explain away what the plain text says. If I cannot explain it now, put it in the box of “God needs to show me later”.


I do not want to be considered a hypocrite. I am going to be a hypocrite in the exact sense of the word for the rest of my life.


But I don’t have to be obvious about it. I can look to change by renewing my heart and mind all the time, every day, with focus.


Prayer: Father, after this morning and back through the holiday’s, I have so much to repent of. New year resolutions are somewhat relevant but being resolved to change is an everyday occurrence concerning my heart towards godliness.


Plant your will in me deep, O God, please.



Ricky Two Shoes