Author: Good Life Church

  • Good Life Journal – Mark 14

    Journal Mark 14 (all references are from the ESV; changes in punctuation are mine)


    Scripture: “…a woman came with an alabaster flask of ointment of pure nard, very costly, and she broke the flask and poured it over [Jesus’] head.


    There were some who said to themselves indignantly, “Why was the ointment wasted like that? For this ointment could have been sold for more than 300 denarii and given to the poor. And they scolded her.


    But Jesus said, “Leave her alone. Why do you trouble her? She has done a beautiful thing to me. For you always have the poor with you, and whenever you want, you can do good for them…but you will not always have me.


    …And truly I say to you, wherever the gospel is proclaimed in the whole world, what she has done will be told in memory of her.” Edited from Mark 14:3-9


    Observation: Griping, complaining, losing focus of the important. Supposedly serving the poor or missing the point?


    And why don’t I associate telling the Gospel with perfume and a maiden?


    Application: I need to see the parallel account of this in John 11 to attempt to put a whole picture together.

    • The woman was Mary. Martha was there as well, busy serving. Martha serving, Mary worshipping—consistent conduct considering Luke 10.
    • The occasion was dinner and fellowship with Jesus, the disciples, and Lazarus (recently raised from the dead).
    • According to John 11, the “they” from the Mark 14 account complaining about being wasteful with expensive “assets” wasn’t necessarily all the disciples, but Judas Iscariot in particular—but I shouldn’t discount any of the rest of the disciples possibly thinking the same thing.


    So, what drove Mary to this action?


    Better question: What would drive me to the same action?


    I can candidly say, I cannot think of anything immediately. To be stirred like Mary was, isn’t in me right now. My bet is that I am not alone in this realization.

    I can rationalize that doing stuff, in obedience to the scripture, is a “form” of worship—but I also know that there is a function of worship that “doing stuff” isn’t a part of. Repeating a coined term, it is the “Audience of One” worship to engage in.


    Mary’s action is one of surrender; she surrenders perhaps the only thing of value; maybe the total of the financial assets that Mary and Martha have. Note: this isn’t about giving up money; this is about Mary’s heart breaking in worship, having a sense of the impending doom concerning Jesus.


    But it isn’t like that for me. I know he lives. I know that I have faith that he has redeemed me by the atoning work on the Cross.


    So, why don’t I cry at the foot of the Cross? Jesus paid a price I cannot even imagine the depth of—taking the complete and thorough Wrath of the Father for me? I may be able to imagine that he loves enough to die for all creation, but why would he die for me?


    If I can’t wonder about that, what does it say about my heart?


    And why does anything I have rehearsed about communicating the Gospel NOT include this story?


    Prayer: Ok, Lord—you got me. Something new to meditate upon. What should Mary’s action be something significant to the Gospel and why should I refer to it frequently when communicating the Gospel? Is this more important than the phrase “Jesus loves you?” Maybe somehow in your economy it is…


    Please make me wise in You, O Lord. Bring your fruit into my life with a significant harvest.


    Bring the right job to my doorstep, Father, please.



    Ricky Two Shoes

  • Good Life Journal – Mark 13


    Vs 1 And as he came out of the temple, one of his disciples said to him, “Look, Teacher, what wonderful stones and what wonderful buildings!”

    Vs 2 And Jesus said to him, “… There will not be left here one stone upon another that will not be thrown down.”

    VS 5 … “See that no one leads you astray. …”

    VS 6 Many will come in my name, saying, ‘I am he!’ and they will lead many astray.

    Vs 7 “… do not be alarmed. …”

    Vs 9 “But be on your guard. For they will deliver you over to councils … to bear witness before them.”

    VS 10 “And the gospel must first be proclaimed to all nations.”

    Vs 11 “And when they bring you to trial and deliver you over, do not be anxious … for it is not you who speak, but the Holy Spirit.”

    Vs 23 “But be on guard; I have told you all things beforehand.”

    VS 27 “… He will send out the angels and gather his elect from the ends of the earth to the ends of heaven.”

    Vs 33 “Be on guard, keep awake. For you do not know when the time will come.”

    Vs 34 “… stay awake.”

    VS 35 “… stay awake — for you do not know when the master of the house will come …”

    VS 37 “… what I say to you I say to all: Stay awake.”


    The disciples are in awe and wonder at the temple.

    Jesus pops their bubble of wonder … He warns them the temple is coming down entirely.

    Then Jesus gives a series of greater and more personal warnings …

    “Do not be lead astray!” … Many will be!

    “Do not be alarmed!” … You will be delivered over!

    “Be on guard! … Be on guard! … Be on guard!” …. Three times Jesus says this to His disciples!!

    “Do not be anxious!” … It’s the Holy Spirit that will speak, not you!

    “Stay awake! … Stay awake! … Stay awake!” … Three times Jesus says this to “all”!

    “Gathered” … This is the ultimate status of the elect.


    I am often “awed” and in “wonder” at structures in nature and those that man has created.

    That’s ok, but I must keep perspective … it’s all at the fingertips and will of God.

    There will be plenty of “destruction” and “delivering over” coming.

    But with the proper perspective, I do not have to be “alarmed”.

    And I do not have to be “lead astray”.

    How can I live with a proper and wise perspective?

    Jesus tells me how:

    I already have the warnings of Jesus … So, I don’t have to be “alarmed” by any of it!

    I will have the words of the Holy Spirit … So, I don’t have to be “anxious” by any of it!

    How do I live in the meantime? ON GUARD & AWAKE!!

    These are the thrice repeated warning of Jesus!

    Be AWAKE … but even more than that …

    Be ON GUARD!

    Am I alert and aware of the times, my surroundings, my activities and the Christian pursuits in the world?

    Why will I endure trials? … “to bear witness”!

    Why will there be persecution and a scattering of believers? … “the gospel must first be proclaimed to all nations.”

    And then what?

    After the scattering will be a “gathering”!

    I do not have be anxious.

    I do not have to be alarmed.

    Because I will be gathered … by a protective, and loving Father.

    Until then … stay awake!


    Thank you, God, for Your Word

    Help me see the times as you unfold them

    Help me have your wisdom and not be anxious

    Give me words Holy Spirit

    Keep me On Guard and Awake

    In Jesus name


  • Good Life Journal – Mark 12

    Journal Mark 12 (all references are from the ESV; changes in punctuation are mine)


    Scripture: And Sadducees came to him (who say that there is no resurrection). And they asked him a question, saying, “Teacher, Moses wrote for us that if a man’s brother dies and leaves a wife, but leaves no child, the man must take the widow and raise up offspring for his brother.


    There were seven brothers; [all took the widow as wife, all died and left no offspring]. Last of all the widow died.


    In the resurrection, when they rise again, whose wife will she be—for the seven had her as wife.”


    Jesus said to them, “Is this not the reason you are wrong, because you know neither the Scriptures nor the power of God…Have you not read…?” (excerpt and edited Mark 12:18-26)


    Observation: There are always a group of people offering a premise, a suggestion of an alternative to the Word of God, an option to sound doctrine.


    How do I prepare? How do I build sound doctrine in my mind and heart to be ready to respond to folks who are obviously just trying to catch me unprepared?


    Application: I have been divorced. I am currently happily married to another and wonderful woman.


    Which one of these women will I have to answer for as husband before the Great White Throne of Judgment?


    It is like the Sadducees’ question, yes?


    Yes, I have thought of this. I have thought of this deeply, applying what I know of the Scriptures, employing biblical logic (systematically of Reformed Theology), and making sure that whatever position I take does not conflict with other (major) doctrines. It was not an exercise of a few minutes, but days, maybe weeks, as I rolled every theory through what I knew and scripture that I remembered.


    I got an answer, a gift from the Holy Spirit.


    The point isn’t that I looked for and received an answer, it is that I looked for it.


    I am not polishing my halo, I am pointing out that there are open holes in everyone’s personal theology, things that are avoided because of laziness, busyness, and a bunch of other ‘—ness’; of which I am the premier posterboy.


    “Being ready, in season, and in out…” isn’t just to be able to respond to unbelievers, it is to be able to serve the Church and other believers.


    Paul writes this about utilizing wisdom to the church at Colossae:

    • “…asking that you may be filled with the knowledge of his will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding.” Col 1:9
    • “Him we proclaim, warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom, that we may present everyone mature in Christ.” Col 1:28
    • [the mystery of Christ]”…in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.” Col 2:3
    • “Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God.” Col 3:16


    Today, I am admonishing and encouraging myself not to lose heart. One of these words (admonish) sounds negative like I am pounding on myself while the other (encourage) feels like I want to give myself a break. In truth, they could be two sides of the same coin, but they are both grace-driven, both grace-based.


    Prayer: Lord God, thank you for your wisdom in the way that, through experience, affliction…study, meditation, and strong fellowship you mold and change me into the image of the Son. Like building a statue, you take your hammer and chip away all the stuff that doesn’t look like Jesus…and that over my lifetime.


    I cannot imagine your patience with me.



    Ricky Two Shoes

  • Good Life Journal – Mark 11

    Scripture – 

    Mark 11:25 – “And whenever you stand praying, forgive, if you have anything against anyone, so that your Father also who is in heaven may forgive you your trespasses.”

    Observation – 

    Jesus is teaching the disciples about the importance of a right standing relationship with God when we pray.  When we pray, we are not to hold anything against anyone.  We are to forgive everything against all when we pray to our Father so He will  forgive us for our trespasses.  There is no question as to whether we have  trespasses and in order for God to forgive our sins we must forgive others.  Jesus tells us that our Father who is also  in heaven reveals to us that Jesus is in heaven. 

    Application – 

    I have been forgiven of everything by the blood of the Lamb therefore I need to forgive others. I have been forgiven of a debt I could never begin to pay. Why then would I hold on to something much less that someone has done to me?  When what was done to me is my focus, pride may have a role in reluctance to forgive.  Bottom line, hurt people hurt people. 

    There is hurt which is real and I don’t have to like what was done, nor does the relationship have to be the same but I have to forgive.  After teaching the disciples how to pray in the Lord’s prayer, Matthew 6:14-15 says , For If you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you, but if you do not forgive others their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.   When I can get over myself and forgive someone who was “wronged” me there is release from bondage and healing.

    Prayer – 


    Thank you for loving me so much that you sent Jesus to pay for my sin debt in full so I can repent be reconciled and have a relationship with you.  Let the power of the Spirit give me strength to forgive others and point people to you to extend your glory.  

  • Good Life Journal – Mark 9

    Journal Mark 9 (all references are from the ESV; changes in punctuation are mine)


    Scripture: [A stranger says to Jesus] “’But if you can do anything, have compassion on us and help us.’

    And Jesus said (declared with emphasis), ‘If you can!?! All things are possible for one who believes.’

    Immediately the father of the child cried out and said, “I believe; help my unbelief!” Mark 9:22b-24

    Observation: Belief and unbelief—these conflicts in the mind of man–especially found with emphasis in the mind of believers.

    Application: This belief/unbelief conflict is possibly the most difficult discipline for a Christian.

    It is for me, anyway.  Perhaps others have it nailed.

    I find I must tackle it in a few ways.

    • I recognize it as a gift from the Holy Spirit and not a mind game effort.
    • I don’t think it is the power of positive thinking, as Norman Vincent Peale proposed, nor the folks who aspire to prosperity teaching.
    • It is not a superpower, even though there are times (in my vanity) where I imagine it so.

    Just like the disciples who could heal in His Name and cast out demons in His Name BUT there were times they couldn’t perform, belief and unbelief were recognized and called out by Jesus to his group of 12 knuckleheads (even Judas Iscariot).

    The question then becomes, “How do I strengthen belief and weaken (or vanquish) my unbelief?” Are faith and belief synonymous (are they different words but the same definition)? How do I get there?

    1. I must renew my mind (Ro 12:2-3):

    “Do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God…”

    1. I must change my perception and conform to what the Bible says this world is about and not necessarily what my eyes see:

    “For John (the Baptist) came to you in the way of righteousness, and you did not believe him…And even when you saw it, you did not afterwards change your minds and believe him.” (Matt 21:32)

    1. Plant His word deep in my heart systematically, cultivating like a trained farmer wanting a full and hearty harvest, looking for a defined and visible, measurable maturity.

    “When therefore he was raised from the dead, his disciples remembered that he had said this, and they believed the Scripture and the word that Jesus had spoken.” John 2:22

    “…If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples…” (John 8:31b)

    “Practice these things, immerse yourself in them, so that all may see your progress.” (1 Tim 4:15)

    I remind myself (as a way of encouragement and to not lose heart) that this is a life-long effort and not a one-and-done.

    Note: this is not about doubt/unbelief (like belief in salvation), at least not in my mind and should not be in any reader’s mind either.

    This has everything to do after that initial step of “I believe that you are my redeemer”, and now what? What am I supposed to do now?

    Prayer: Father, how does my faith increase? I know, by implanting your Word. Let it grow tall, strong and deep within, and help me to bear good fruit within the mirror, the family, the church, and this world.


    Ricky Two Shoes

  • Good Life Journal – Mark 8

    Journal Mark 8 (all references are from the ESV; changes in punctuation are mine)


    Scripture: “In those days, when again a great crowd had gathered, and they had nothing to eat, he called his disciples to him and said to them, ‘I have compassion on the crowd, because they have been with me now three (3!!) days and have nothing to eat. And if I send them away hungry to their homes, they will faint on the way…and some have come from far away.’” Mark 8:1-3


    Observation: Sometimes the Bible recounts a head-scratcher or two in presenting a story. This is how I train to read and not skip over a scene of interest.


    Application: Journaling can be fun. A sense of humor helps a lot.


    I have read this story forever…and I did not see this until this afternoon.


    Notice these 3 points:

    • A great crowd has gathered, 4,000 in all.
    • They have been with Jesus and the disciples for 3 days; 3 mornings, 3 afternoons, 3 evenings, 3 camp-outs under the stars.
    • Jesus notices after 3 days nobody has anything to eat. (Is he concerned about the local Jewish Civil Liberties Union calling him liable for not feeding these folks?)


    I remember this isn’t the first time a mass feeding event happened (Mark 6:34-44) and it was 5,000, feeding them after only an afternoon of teaching.


    The process of feeding was similar. Jesus to the disciples: “Wadda ya got?” Disciples: “I have some bread here, and he has some fish.” Jesus: “Let me bless it and youse guys start passing it out. After they are all done, police the area, respect the land and don’t leave trash on the ground.”


    In the Mark 6 episode, the disciples picked up 12 bags of bread and fish scraps. In the Mark 8 episode, 7 bags of bread and fish scraps.


    So, what pops out at me? Note: this is the process that individual journaling takes. Journaling is not a “teaching moment” for other people; it is a discovery moment for my own eyes, mind, and heart.


    I noticed the following:

    1. These stories are pretty familiar to me. I am tempted to say to myself, “Nothing to see here, move along, move along.” But that attitude is of no value for a wanna-be disciple to the face in the mirror.
    2. I remembered that I read something like the Mark 8 feeding before. Yep, it happened just two chapters back, in Mark 6. What were the similarities? What were the differences?
    3. I saw further in Mark 8 that Jesus basically called the disciples knuckleheads. I looked at this:

    “Having eyes do you not see, and having ears do you not hear? And do you not remember?


    When I broke the 5 loaves for the 5,000, how many baskets full of broken pieces did you take up?” [The disciples] said to him, “12.” [Jesus continued], “And the 7 for the 4,000…how many baskets full of broken pieces did you take up?” [The disciples] said to [Jesus], “7.”


    And [Jesus] said to them, “Do you not yet understand??” Mark 8:18-21

    1. There is still that 3 day delay in feeding the second group that is a puzzle. Don’t know why; I don’t know if that is significant. There may be a numerologist somewhere that would equate that with three days in the grave—I am not buying that.


    When I am reading the Scriptures, there can be a tendency to gloss over the mundane to get to the juicy parts, the eye-candy, the Sunday School stories and bumper sticker/wall hanging stuff. Ok, that is normal.


    But I cannot stop there. All of the Scripture is the Living Word of God, pulsating with life and promise and hope. This is the meat of meditation and reflection AND conversation with each other.


    Conversing is not teaching, but it is testifying of what has been learned, in a manner of suggestion to one another and not with authority as to clamp down on thinking. Always conversation should be with scripture references and backup, as in the manner of the Bereans (Acts 17).


    Prayer: Father, I know that I have a tendency to command, knowing also that I don’t have prescribed authority to command. Remind me, O Holy Spirit, to be gentle, persuasive, holding to godly doctrine. Thank you for letting me practice on my wife, giving her patience with being my test subject.



    Ricky Two Shoes


  • Good Life Journal – Mark 7

    Journal Mark 7 (all references are from the ESV; changes in punctuation are mine)


    Scripture: “And [Jesus] said to them, “Well did Isaiah prophesy of you hypocrites, as it is written,

    ‘This people honors me with their lips, but their heart is far from me; in vain do they worship me, teaching as doctrines the commandments of men.’

    (Jesus continues speaking to the Pharisees and scribes) ‘You leave the commandment of God and hold to the tradition of men…’” Mark 7:6-8


    Observation: Is this a ready explanation on how Man, being full of the sin of Genesis 3:5, rewrites or twists the Word of God to make it “better?”


    Application: Paul writes to the Corinthian church to “Examine yourself. See if you are in the faith…” (2 Cor 13:5) and I must do the same reading this.


    How easy it would be for me to twist the plainly written Word of God and read a principle in it that really isn’t there—just to make what I am reading more comfortable—similar to what the serpent did at Eden to Adam and Eve.


    The beginning of the chapter the Scribes and Pharisees in attendance scandalized that Jesus’ disciples (Jesus being a holy man and rabbi after all) didn’t ritualize washing their delicate hands before eating. Scandalized!! Horrified!! Appalled and disgusted! And did they try to infer that Jesus’ teaching and leading was somehow “less than” because of it—“it” being washing hands according to the Tradition?


    I would have one of two responses (maybe both at the same time):

    1. Immediately bow to the social and custom pressure of conformity.
    2. Or be disdainful/contemptuous of the current hierarchy of authority.

    The first response perhaps would contain a strong dose of “Fear of Man.” The second response would probably be full blown rebellion.


    Neither would be godly.


    Laying my heart out on the pages of the journal assists me in my wanting to walk worthy of the Gospel. I can (with the profound help of the Spirit) break down my sinful reflection in the mirror, identify specific issues, and begin to create strategies to overcome sin.


    Can that be done? Is it possible? I must believe it can, for it is written:

    “For if you live according to the flesh you will die. But, if by the Spirit you PUT TO DEATH (mortify) the deeds of the body, you will live.” Ro 8:13


    Therefore, looking in the Mirror, what do I hold, either loosely or with conviction, principles and/or doctrines of men that have ZERO affinity with the Word of God? What do I not “believe” that the scriptures indicate (without a doubt) are relevant today—or certainly should not be discounted because of a conceived notion that “Jesus did that then, he doesn’t do that now.”


    How about reading what the Bible says and leave interpretation aside? Can I do that? Read and analyze, don’t explain away what the plain text says. If I cannot explain it now, put it in the box of “God needs to show me later”.


    I do not want to be considered a hypocrite. I am going to be a hypocrite in the exact sense of the word for the rest of my life.


    But I don’t have to be obvious about it. I can look to change by renewing my heart and mind all the time, every day, with focus.


    Prayer: Father, after this morning and back through the holiday’s, I have so much to repent of. New year resolutions are somewhat relevant but being resolved to change is an everyday occurrence concerning my heart towards godliness.


    Plant your will in me deep, O God, please.



    Ricky Two Shoes



  • Good Life Journal – Mark 5

    Journal Mark 5 (all references are from the ESV; changes in punctuation are mine)


    Scripture: “While [Jesus] was still speaking, there came from the ruler’s house some who said [to Jarius], “Your daughter is dead. Why trouble the Teacher any further?”

    But, overhearing what they said, Jesus said to the ruler of the synagogue [Jarius], ‘Do not fear, only believe.’

    And [Jesus] allowed no one to follow him except Peter and James and John (the brother of James).” Mark 5:35-37

    Observation: How many teaching moments/points are there in this short passage? Do these passages (and the other related one in Luke) inspire a spectator’s marvel or a disciple’s faith to copy?

    Application: When does what Jesus does communicate to the disciples: “Folks, don’t try this at home; I am a trained professional…”

    Earlier, Jesus:

    • Commanded the winds to cease and the seas to be still.
    • Tossed out a legion of demonic spirits out of a man.
    • Inadvertently healed a woman’s menstrual issue.
    • And now, raising a gentile’s daughter from the dead.

    Answer? He doesn’t. In fact, Jesus, as a part of the disciples training, sends them out on short term mission trips and tells them:

    • Preach the coming Kingdom, and;
    • Heal the sick, toss out demons.

    “And he called the twelve and began to send them out two by two (6 teams of a pair each…I wonder why?) and gave them authority over the unclean spirits…So they went out and proclaimed that people should repent. And they cast out many demons and anointed with oil many who were sick and healed them.” (Mark 6:7-13)

    Is it because of my “unbelief” that I don’t do the same?

    Is it because of my “unbelief” that I don’t want to do the same?

    Is it because of my “unbelief” that I am not motivated to step out in faith wherever I am to do the above?


    I am trying.

    First, I am focused on embedding the Doctrine of the Gospel in my life. I want to have a ready answer for those who ask—knowing that the answer I might give isn’t what someone wants to hear. Someone asked me last night in a conversation about my past divorce if I had regrets? I answered, “Sure I do…because as a husband, no matter what, I have responsibilities to answer for before the Throne of Judgment.”

    At this point in the conversation, I continued that, while Wrath is my (and all men’s) deserved judgment, it is why Man must have a Savior, a Redeemer.

    I did not go any further to “close the deal” because that is as far as I sensed the Holy Spirit wanting me to go at that moment. But note: It is the Gospel, just as the disciples were sent to call all men to repent is the Gospel as well.

    Secondly, I am turning out of my comfort zone to: 1) Speak whatever part of the Gospel I need to others, and; 2) Gather up the courage to ask if I can pray right there, right then, for someone’s healing by laying hands (gasp!!) in public.

    It is going to be a challenging 2023!


    Prayer: In Your name, for Your Glory, bring courage in this coward’s heart, O God, for I believe and have confidence this is your will for your people.


    Ricky Two Shoes

  • Good Life Journal – Mark 4

    Scripture – 

    Mark 4:21-23 – And he said to them, “Is a lamp brought in to be put under a basket, or under a bed, and not on a stand?  For nothing is hidden not to be made manifest ; nor is anything secret except to come to light. If anyone has ears to hear, let him hear.”

    Observation – 

    Jesus is talking with the disciples after he has explained the purpose of parables.  A lamp with shining light is not meant to be kept where it can not shine it’s light.  Jesus is the light and the Gospel must not to kept under a bed.  There is a day of judgement forthcoming where everything done in darkness will be brought to light.  The truth will be made known of everything.  Listen now, hear the words of Jesus and repent while you can.

    Application –

    Jesus is the light of the world and whoever follows Jesus does not walk in darkness.  We are commanded in the Great Commission to go and make disciples of all the nations baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.  We are to carry the Gospel out in the open where it will shine bright to all.  We have the Greatest News in the world that can change minds, hearts and set captives free. Therefore, it is not to be hidden as something you get then store away under a bed.  There is nothing that can be hidden from God and all will be revealed in the coming day of judgement.  I would only be fooling myself if I think I can hide something from our all knowing God.  Let me repentant to confess all my sin to God and have a real sense of urgency to share the gospel of Jesus Christ with those in darkness.

    Prayer –

    Thank you for sending Jesus as light to overcome darkness and redeem me to you.  Let the Spirit give me power to let your light shine bright through me to love you and love my neighbors well to extend your glory.  

  • Good Life Journal – Psalm 149-150

    Journal Ps 149-150 (all references are from the ESV; changes in punctuation are mine)


    Scripture: “Praise the Lord!!


    Sing to the Lord a new song, his praise in the assembly of the godly!


    Let Israel be glad in his Maker.

    Let the children of Zion rejoice in their King!


    Let them praise his name with dancing, making melody with tambourine and lyre!


    For the Lord takes pleasure in his people; he adorns the humble with salvation.


    Let the godly exult in glory; let them sing for joy on their beds.


    Let the high praises of God be in their throats…” Ps 149:1-6a


    Observation: A description of a worship standard…


    Application: If this is a worship standard, then I am a poor excuse of a worshipper.


    I recall the scripture about being “a fool” or “foolish” for the sake of Christ:

    • “We are fools for Christ’s sake…” 1 Cor 4:10
    • “But God chose what is foolish in the world to shame the wise…” 1 Cor 1:27

    Yes, these references are slightly out of context, but the principle is directionally correct. There are actions that God directs Christians doing that are visually and actionably foolish looking. (Remember Joshua directing a march around a fortified city (Jericho) and blowing ram horns? Do I think there was some Bronx cheers going on from the fortifications? Little old David going out to the local equivalent of Ndamukong Suh?)


    And what do I do? I pull these warfare examples right into the battle of the Ego, the territory of Pride, the fear of Man.


    Why don’t I dance? Why don’t I raise my hands high? If I do raise my hands, why do I stop somewhere between my waist and my shoulders, hardly ever reaching for the sky?


    Why don’t I sing loud? Sing new songs that spontaneously come to mind? Why don’t I clap?


    I know why I don’t…ya’ll will look at me and think bad things about me.


    But this is the battle I must wage along with every other battle that God assigns me to—although, if I can’t successfully wage battle with my man-fear for something as foundational as Worship…what good am I on other battlefields?


    Prayer: Father, even though I have wrestled with this from decades past, my Man-fear ebbs and wanes every day—I am never ALWAYS successful.


    Just like Elijah, he had a tremendous activity with the Baal priests, totally bad-xxx, and then ran from Jezebel to go shivering and hiding in a cave. While I am certainly no Elijah, I get the bi-polar type of spiritual reaction—rejoicing in the heights, plummeting to the valley, and do not know why only that I have to reach for you anew.


    I am reminded that the Walk doesn’t have momentum, I must make an effort every day.



    Ricky Two Shoes

  • Good Life Journal – Psalm 148


    Vs 1 Praise the Lord! Praise the Lord from the heavens; praise him in the heights!

    VS 2 Praise him, all his angels; praise him, all his hosts!

    VS 3 Praise him, sun and moon, praise him, all you shining stars!
    Vs 4 Praise him, you highest heavens, and you waters above the heavens!

    Vs 5 Let them praise the name of the Lord!
    For he commanded and they were created.
    VS 6 And he established them forever and ever;
    he gave a decree, and it shall not pass away.


    Vs 7 Praise the Lord from the earth, you great sea creatures and all deeps,
    VS 8 fire and hail, snow and mist, stormy wind fulfilling his word!

    Vs 9 Mountains and all hills, fruit trees and all cedars!
    VS 10 Beasts and all livestock, creeping things and flying birds!


    VS 11 Kings of the earth and all peoples, princes, and all rulers of the earth!
    VS 12 Young men and maidens together, old men and children!


    VS 13 Let them praise the name of the Lord, for his name alone is exalted;
    his majesty is above earth and heaven.

    Vs 14 He has raised up a horn for his people, praise for all his saints,
    for the people of Israel who are near to him. Praise the Lord!


    I can’t isolate a verse or two today.

    Today it’s about the whole thing!

    This is as “all inclusive” as it gets from a psalmist.

    Sometimes the psalmist wants to focus on a specific element of God’s character.

    Sometimes the psalmist wants to focus on a specific circumstance the author is enduring.

    Here the psalmist goes BIG!

    God created ALL!

    And God is worthy of praise from ALL CREATION!

    But the most fascinating statement to me comes at the end …

    God is NOT “out there” somewhere in His creation …

    God is “near”!


    This is what Christmas time is all about … “God came near”!

    Yet, the psalmist recognizes this about God even before the “Incarnation”.

    Indeed, God is near.

    But God is not ONLY near.

    God fills ALL His creation!

    God is NOT creation, itself, like a pantheist says.

    But God FILLS His creation, like the psalmist says.

    Like water fills a sponge, and like the prophet Habakkuk decrees …

    All creation is saturated with the glory of God!

    So, everything in the heavens should praise Him!

    Everything on earth should praise Him!

    And every person should praise Him!

    But I should praise God like He is “near”.

    I should NOT praise God like I’m here in some sort of “waiting room” to get to God one day when I die.

    And earth is not something I’m just “passing through”.

    God has made His “dwelling place” not only the heavens, and not only the earth,

    But also now in me through the Holy Spirit!

    Praise the Lord!


    Thank you again, God, for your “decree”

    It lasts forever and it will be fulfilled!

    Help me Holy Spirit to fulfill it as You will

    Help me to see it all around me in all creation

    Help me to know you are near

    In Jesus name,


  • Good Life Journal – Psalm 144-146

    Journal Ps 144-146 (all references are from the ESV; changes in punctuation are mine)


    Scripture: [The Psalmist declares] “One generation shall commend your works to another and shall declare your mighty acts.


    On the glorious splendor of your majesty and

    on your wondrous works, I will meditate.


    They (the generation) shall speak of the might of your awesome deeds, and I will declare your greatness.


    They shall pour forth the fame of your abundant goodness and shall sing aloud of your righteousness…” Ps 145:4-7


    Observation: There are two aspects of “spreading the Good News”. One is to folks outside the Kingdom. The second, and maybe the most neglected is generational…


    Application: I have been caught up with the “evangelical” focus on outsiders: the folks who “need salvation.”


    That singular focus hasn’t ever set well with me. Oh, no doubt it is part of the directive of our Lord, but is it all of it?


    Being introspective, have I declared the “glorious splendor” of his majesty to the generation before and the generation after? Have I done that consistently? Do my children know daily where I stand? My parents? My extended family?


    Do I habitually talk about the Awesome God? Emphasis on HABITUALLY! Not just the big, ceremonial days, but the everyday aspect.


    When I step outside, do I wonder at the grace of creation? Do I talk about how his Grace affects our relationships? Do I just mention scripture wisdom in passing?


    I know that I have “put on” righteous airs in the past. I know that I have bullied my mind into speaking biblically, forcing my tongue to wag the Word of God.


    I had to do that because my mind and my tongue does not want to speak of the Eternal God—there is resistance.

    • I am embarrassed.
    • I am scared.
    • I don’t know if I am saying the “right” things.
    • I don’t want to get into an argument or confrontation.
    • I don’t want to look hypocritical, etc.


    Yet, Psalm 145 is an example of what I am to strive for. It is being intentionally Christian.


    Being intentionally Christian is not a function of osmosis. Osmosis definition: the process of gradual or unconscious assimilation of ideas, knowledge, etc. I can act Christian by being around Christians, being a part of a local church or a “ministry”, etc.


    Intentional Christianity is in the category of Maturity, or pursuit of maturity—something that I am supposed to, instructed to, EXPECTED to pursue.


    There was this guy a few decades back named Watchman Nee. He wrote a number of books that were gobbled up by my generation. Today, I don’t ascribe to, don’t even remember his doctrinal points. But there was this one thing that grabbed my attention, and it was a title to a book, “The Deeper Christian Life.”


    That’s what should be actively longed for, a planned, specific, and detailed list of objectives…not a passive wish list.


    Prayer: Father, I cannot get my family situation out of my head; it is swirling around with issues and scripture remembrances. Where have I stumbled? Where have I tripped over my own ego and pride? How do I get back on the road of being worthy of the Gospel?


    As I reminded my wife, all of this is no surprise to You, O God. After the example of Job, you knew/know (the tense of Omniscience is weird, Father) our situation and are guiding us through so that our reconciliation is secondary; our being formed into the Image is primary.


    Help me add another line to the outline of being intentional, Lord. I want to be like you…



    Ricky Two Shoes

  • Good Life Journal – Psalm 134

    Scripture – 

    Psalm 134:10 –  Teach me to do your will, for you are my God!  Let your good Spirit lead me on level ground!

    Observation – 

    David is calling out to God for protection as he knows no one is righteous before a holy God.  David acknowledges that he is God’s servant. He asks God to instruct him to do His will.  David asks God to have God’s good Spirit guide him on a steady path not to veer from His ways.

    Application – 

    Psalm 143 is so rich in humble application. First, I must realize that I am not righteous before God. I am only saved by grace and the blood of Christ shed for me at Calvary to overcome death on the 3rd day.  Once I get that and realize whose I am, then I am able to understand who I am. God, you are my God who paid the cost for me that I could not pay on my own.  Therefore, I should want to follow you. I have to submit and allow myself to follow your will. I can’t do things contrary to your ways and be in your will.  I have to know and follow you and seek to make you known here and amongst the nations.  I have to let the power of the Holy Spirit guide me not to turn and fall into pits that the evil one has placed before me and to keep striving on a path towards you.  

    Prayer –

    Father, Thank you for sending Jesus so I can be reconciled to you and have you be may God!  Let the power of the Holy Spirit guide me to do your will to love you, love my neighbors and extend your glory.

  • Good Life Journal – Psalm 137-138

    Journal Ps 137-138 (all references are from the ESV; changes in punctuation are mine)


    Scripture: “On the day I called, you answered me; my strength of soul you increased.”  (Hebrew translation: “You made me bold in my soul with strength…) Ps 138:3


    Observation: Do I really sense or have a sensation of what the Psalmist writes, or is it one of those “faith without seeing” things…


    Application: I remember sensations of God strengthening my soul.


    My heart felt like it was bursting out of my chest; my faith increased exponentially; my eyes were exceptionally clear and my ears sensitive to his every breath.


    Boldness in Christ was physically felt, not just in “faith.”


    It was different than, “Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.” (Heb 11:1) It was more along the line of what is inferred in Acts about Peter: “But Peter, standing with the eleven, lifted up his voice and addressed (the crowd)…” (Acts 2:14). Nothing preconceived nor arranged, but Peter, full of courage and palatable faith, spoke for the Disciples about Jesus.


    Another example concerning the beggar at the portico, “And Peter directed his gaze at him, as did John, and said, “Look at us.” And [the beggar] fixed his attention on them (as if) expecting to receive something from them. But Peter said, ‘I have no silver nor gold, but what I do have I give to you—in the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise up and walk.’” (Acts 3:4-6)


    Peter and John, going about their habitual, daily business to the Temple, was ready to be directed by the Holy Spirit to heal the blind man. They were primed, not looking for a miracle opportunity, but ready for one just the same. How and why?


    It is a good question. Outside of being studied up, prayed up, etc., what is/are the next point(s) that ignites physical manifestations of faith like healing, miracles, evangelism, and other expressions of the Spirit?


    When I call, am I expecting Him to answer?


    Prayer: Lord, I want my heart to burst in faith like in the time of John and I, praying expectantly for a prophetic word prior to Sunday meetings. I don’t remember always getting a word, but we searched hard.


    Today, I pray wistfully, longingly, contemplatively. I remember your Word. I study and review your Doctrines. I attempt to actively apply your Word in the simplest ways—must walk before running, right?


    Expand my heart, O God.



    Ricky Two Shoes


  • Good Life Journal – Revelation 22

    Journal Rev 22 (all references are from the ESV; changes in punctuation are mine)


    Scripture: “Then the angel showed me the river of the Water of Life, bright as crystal, flowing from the throne of God and of the Lamb…; also, on either side of the river, the Tree of Life, with its twelve kinds of fruit, yielding its fruit each month—the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations.


    No longer will there be anything accursed, but the throne of God and of the Lamb will be in it, and his servants will worship him; they will see his Face, and his name will be on their foreheads—and night will be no more. They will need no light of lamp or sun, for the Lord God will be their light, and they will reign forever and ever…


    (skipping further into Chapter 20) And he (the angel) said to me, ‘Do not seal up the words of the prophecy of this book for the time is near.

    Let the evil doer still do evil, and the filthy still be filthy, and the righteous still do right, and the holy still be holy.’” (excerpts from Rev 22:1-10)


    Observation: Reading the end first, then before the end. Our hope is described in verses 1-8, and something else puzzling in verses 9-10…


    Praise God. Alone. Only the Trinitarian God is worthy of any and all praise.


    Application: Concerning the Gospel, this Rev 22:1-8 description is the total objective for Creation from before time began.


    As difficult as it is to conceive, my perception of time and history is linear: I can only experience moment by moment, tick and tock of the clock.


    God, being omniscient, perceives all of Creation and Eternity as a single comprehension—He is not limited to the restriction of time. Therefore, this description is what God wanted from “let there be light!” Jesus was not “Plan B” concerning the Fall; Jesus on the Cross was always “Plan A.” Jehovah Witnesses get this wrong from the get-go.


    Why is getting this concept of time-bound vs. time-unbound, completely Sovereign over time and space important? Otherwise, if I don’t, it skews what is understood about God.


    Like Danny wrote a week ago, we can rest in Him.


    The second part of the reference above is resting from our works. This one is harder to get my mind around. I will bet it is difficult for others as well.


    The instruction of, “Let the evil doer still do evil, and the filthy still be filthy…” contrasts with my innate combativeness; I want to fight against evil, to oppose them, etc. If someone is “filthy”, I want to tell them to stop or move away from them. Letting evil and filthy go unopposed grates at my soul.


    And yet this is what this scripture says.


    Is it because of the certainty that there is a proscribed process and end of all things that believers cannot change? Is Christianity in some way repeating the error of 1st Century Judaism that the Messiah is to bring a physical “peace on earth?”


    Certainly, I cannot abide evil when it slaps me in the face (like abortion for instance), but looking at the broad historical picture, can evil ever be curtailed? Only until the Coming of our Lord.


    I suppose until then, the so-called battle is for our own souls, longing for and pursuing godliness, and the preaching of the Gospel.


    Prayer: Father, I am just thinking aloud, for I know these are “stretch” thoughts (like “stretch objectives” in business). Help me to shake these out and apply what You want me to think and perform.


    If I am not pursuing (with fierce intent) godliness in my own life first, then is crying after others in evangelism is under false pretences?



    Ricky Two Shoes